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Submit Your Event

Please note the following regarding event submission:

  1. With the exception of GetAway events, only Chicago events are currently accepted.
  2. Event information with excessive use of ALL CAPS will be rejected.
  3. Any phone numbers included with the event must be in the following format "(123) 456-7890".
  4. Do not use the special ellipsis character "...", instead, use periods.
  5. You must submit an image with your event.  "Event Image" displays on event listing pages; "Detail Image" displays on event detail page (i.e., when you click a "headline").   Your image may not exceed 350px in height or width and may not include 20 characters of text.  Non-compliant images will be replaced with a stock photo of our choice.
  6. Upgrade your event - View more details.
  7. Events are published at the sole discretion of Soleil's To-Dos Enterprises, Ltd.
  8. E-mail with any questions about the event submission form.